This 8 days Tribes of South Sudan expedition takes you to the south Sudanese, a
people with an intact cultural identity, who will usher you to the shouts of the Dinka, the
jumps of the Toposa, and the sight of the Manyattas. Explore the locals engaged in
trade and other associated activities as you stroll through the historic Juba capital. One
of the newest countries in the world, South Sudan is full with love, history, and cultural
treasures. You will see the Dinka and the Mundari, well-known cattle breeders, The Bor
through the White Nile, the Toposa, and the Boya on the one-week journey.
There are more than 57 tribes in the nation. As you learn more about culture, you will be
taught to value historical beliefs. You will see some natives with their bodies marked,
some with their bare chests—an identity they are proud of. It is an incredible eight-day
trip that takes place in rural areas and is best traveled by road.